Miles to End Polio

The Challenge
Each November, Rotary International General Secretary John Hewko and a team of staff members join Rotary members to cycle up to 100 miles in El Tour de Tucson to raise funds for polio eradication. The ride is one of the top cycling events in the United States and attracts more than 9,000 cyclists each year. Through Miles to End Polio, Rotary has raised more than $53.3 million for eradication efforts, including matching funds from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Learn more about the team members, follow them as they train, and add your support by donating.
Naish Shah
Member Benefits Program Manager
In addition to his work at the Rotary International headquarters, Naish is a member of the Rotary Club of Naperville After Dark in Illinois and has a personal connection to polio eradication. Two of his cousins contracted polio in India and passed away before they reached adulthood. Because Naish and his siblings were born in the United States, they received the polio vaccine that his cousins were not able to receive in India. Now Naish is passionate about doing whatever he can to help raise the funds to eradicate this disabling disease. This year will be his fourth time participating in the Miles to End Polio ride and he feels blessed to co-lead this great team.
Courtney Drew
Global Events Learning Specialist
Whether it’s her quick 3-mile commute or a long day in the saddle, riding brings Drew an unrivaled sense of joy. She is thrilled to co-lead this year’s Miles to End Polio staff team, as she draws her energy from leading others. Drew looks forward to pushing harder this year in training, in fundraising, and during the ride, so that together, we can eradicate polio.
Kris Tsau
Advocacy Specialist, PolioPlus
Kris works for the PolioPlus Program where she works with Rotarians to help secure political and financial commitments from governments for polio eradication. Kris’s grandfather was a polio survivor, so she’ll be riding in his honor and as a tribute to all of the Rotary volunteers, colleagues and health workers who work to End Polio. She is an amateur cyclist who took her first bike tour in Scotland following a Rotary convention. She is looking forward to joining the Miles team for the 50-mile loop in Tucson, in celebration of her 50th birthday and 25th anniversary working for Rotary International.
Kevin Kelly
Major Gifts Officer
Twenty years ago, Kevin rode his bike from San Francisco, California to Washington, DC in the United States to raise funds and awareness for people with disabilities. This experience was life-changing for Kevin and led him to a career making a difference in communities in need. Today, Kevin is a Major Gifts Officer with The Rotary Foundation and travels throughout the Midwest in the United States and Southwest Ontario in Canada raising significant funds of support. As a Rotarian and a staff member with The Rotary Foundation, Kevin believes there is no greater cause than polio eradication and he’s excited to raise support through cycling in Tucson.
Masa Kato
Specialist, Regional Communications, Asia
Masa was born and raised in Japan but now lives in the United States, supporting Global Communications at the Rotary International headquarters. With love for cycling, he’s completed many bicycle trips in several countries. Masa is so committed to a successful 100-mile ride in Tucson that he’s taking a break from his kendo practice, which he’s practiced for 32 years, to avoid any injuries. In joining this race, he wants to raise support for polio eradication from Rotarians in Asian countries and show his son that there are always people who strive to prevent diseases and disabilities.
Jean Saunders
Account Executive, Membership Marketing
Jean is originally from Canada and has lived and cycled in Evanston for about 20 years. She is super excited to be part of the Miles to End Polio team and plans to do the 50-mile loop in Tucson. Jean looks forward to training with colleagues and friends who share a passion for cycling and importantly, to supporting Rotary’s largest and proudest effort to date – our work to eradicate polio.